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David Gallegos

New Mexico State Senate

Overcoming a 2-to-1 Fundraising Advantage to Upset an Incumbent

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In Senate District 41, the incumbent senator had deep pockets and significant financial personal resources to draw upon, including the endorsements and support of the senate caucus as well as most of the local elected officials in the district, not to mention the fact that he hailed from a very connected political family.

At the end of the campaign, our client, Representative David Gallegos, was out-raised financially 2 to 1.

But our mail strategy, design, and messaging were superior.

Before becoming a state senator, the opponent had deep political and business ties to the district through family connections as well as a long stint serving as a county commissioner.

In spite of an incumbency advantage, an endorsement advantage, and a money advantage, we were able to defeat the incumbent. Our client, Representative Gallegos, won the primary with 54%. Gallegos then went on to easily win the General Election.

In this race one of the most important—but also the most challenging—points to communicate to voters was the incumbent’s previous long history as a Democrat, in spite of deep family ties to the Republican Party.

One of the tenets of political mail is it should make a strategic point clearly and succinctly without too much text—not an easy thing to do.

While this piece is more crowded than we would normally like, we are very proud of how effective it was in combining a significant amount of information in one piece, making it tremendously effective in turning primary voters against the incumbent.

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